Sunday, 22 March 2015

OBIEE 11g dashboard pages outside of a dashboard

We had a strange requirement. The user did not want the dashboard to be published and he hated the fact that he had to expand the dashboard to see the pages in it.

Since the requirement is strange so will be the solution.

One option is to create the shortcut of each page and then hide the dashboard.  This option is recommended but will lead to creation of a shortcut for each page.

The other option is to copy the dashboard ALOG WITH THE ‘dashboard layout’ HIDDEN FILE outside of the dashboard.

Copying the dashboard pages along with the ‘dashboard layout’ hidden file will ensure that the dashboard pages open up even when they are not in the dashboard.

‘My dashboard’ looks like the following
OBIEE 11g dashboard page outside of dashboard

Now, I will copy ‘dashboard layout’ file and ‘page 1’ dashboard page in another folder called ‘Dashboard page outside of dashboard’.

Open ‘page 1’ and note that the name of the folder in which you put ‘page 1’ and ‘dashboard layout’ becomes the name of your dashboard.

Till next time..

1 comment:

Owen P said...

Thank you for sharing tthis